If all of the preceding steps fail, Wicket will use the labelId as the Label, by default. 如果所有前面的步骤都失败,Wicket将会默认使用labelId作为Label。
You can also choose the view to use as the default for each service. 还可以选择该视图作为每个服务的默认视图。
If you use IBM HTTP Server as your Web server, be aware that by default every file requested from the Web server is logged to the file system. 如果使用IBMHTTPServer作为Web服务器,请注意Web服务器所请求的每一个文件都会被记入文件系统日志。
When a messaging engine is created in a single-server environment, a file-based store is created to use as the default data store. 在单服务器环境中创建了一个消息传递引擎之后,系统会创建一个基于文件的库来作为默认数据库使用。
Most web services engines use "wrapped document/ literal" as their default. 大部分Web服务引擎在缺省情况下都使用“包装的文档/文本”样式。
On this screen, select the Use an existing server radio button and make sure that the Set server as project default box is checked. 在这个屏幕上,选择Useanexistingserver单选按钮,并且确保Setserverasprojectdefault框被选中。
If you don't want to be asked again for the server you want to use, check Set server as project default ( do not ask again). 如果不希望以后再次询问要使用的服务器,请选中Setserverasprojectdefault(donotaskagain)。
Use the Run Transformation dialog to select the same project as the default to generate code into ( Figure 19). 使用RunTransformation对话框来选择同样的项目作为默认值来生成代码(图19)。
Alternatively, you can use the same namespace for many events by declaring it as the default namespace and then specifying only the local part for each event. 您可以为多个事件使用相同的名字区,只需将其宣布为默认的名字区,然后为每一个事件只指定本地区。
Begin by configuring one computer to use CPAN as normal and setting up your default set of modules. 开始先像往常一样配置一台计算机,并设置默认模块集合。
LinkedIn hopes that both moves will not only expand the reach of how people use its site as their default anchor for resume-style information online. And also how it, too, could potentially tap into this user base to begin long-term relationships. LinkedIn希望这两种做法不仅能使更多的用户在搜索网上简历式信息时将它作为默认首选,还能通过开发潜在用户基础以求建立长期联系。
You can specify a user profile field to use as the source of the default email address when a user adds an alert. 您可以指定一个用户配置文件字段作为用户添加通知时默认电子邮件地址的来源。
Use this MIME as the outgoing default for this file extension 对这种文件扩展名使用MIME作为缺省的发送方式
Use this form as the default for opening items 使用该窗体做为打开条目时的默认窗体
Use of ad hoc distributed queries is disabled as part of the default security configuration. 作为默认安全配置的一部分,即席分布式查询是禁用的。
Right-click the text box that has the formats you want to use as the default. 右键单击包含要用作默认设置的格式的文本框。
Do you want to use this printer as the default printer? 是否希望将这台打印机设置为默认打印机?
You can still use Netscape as your default browser. 人仍旧能使用作为你的默认浏览器。
To use the same settings automatically in all future projects, click Set as default. 若要在将来的所有项目中自动使用这些设置,请单击“设为默认值”。
If you do not want to use HTML as the default report presentation format, you will have to write a custom report viewer for your application. 如果不想使用html作为默认的报告呈现格式,则必须为应用程序编写一个自定义报告查看器。
If the silent option is not selected, setup will prompt for a location and use the location below as the default. 如果未选中无提示选项,安装程序将询问安装位置并将下面的位置作为默认位置。
Use date and time of document save as default 将保存文档的日期和时间设为默认值
Select the attribute that you want to use as the default security filter. 选择要用作默认安全筛选器的属性。
Testifying before Congress, the Fed chairman also criticised the use of financial instruments, such as credit default swaps ( CDS), that destabilised a country or created runs against governments as "counterproductive". 伯南克在美国国会作证时,还批评了信用违约互换(cds)等金融工具的使用,称它们让国家变得不稳定,或作为一种“适得其反”的效果,造成了对政府的挤兑。
The Tellurium solution to this situation is to use CSS selectors as the default locators. Tellurium的解决方案是,使用CSS选择器来作为缺省的定位器。
Microsoft has said it plans to use its own search engine as the default option for all searches conducted through the browser. 微软已表示,对于所有通过IE7浏览器进行的搜索,该公司计划将自己的搜索引擎作为默认选项。
Use a value from the list as the default entry for the field 使用列表中的一个数据项作为此域的默认值
Since there is not a generally recognized definition of corporate failure, different researchers use different definition such as bankruptcy, corporate crisis, finance distress, deficit, default, poor performance and corporate distress. 学术界对企业失败至今没有统一的定义,诸如企业破产、绩效不佳、企业困境、财务危机、企业亏损、企业逆境等等很多相关的词汇都被不同的研究人员用来描绘企业失败现象。
Current PLAN network use SLRP ( SLRP-Service Level Routing Protocol) route protocol as its default route service. This protocol is a dynamic route protocol based on hops counting. 当前的PLAN网络以SLRP(SLRP-ServiceLevelRoutingProtocol)路由协议作为默认路由服务,该协议是基于跃点(hops)计数的一个动态路由协议。
These new applications use irregular port numbers, and many of the new businesses traffic use a temporary port number which is greater than 1024 as the default port. 这些新兴的应用所使用的端口号是不规则的,许多业务流使用一个大于1024的临时端口号作为缺省端口。